來(lái)源:網(wǎng)群國(guó)際    瀏覽:

Garcia Galiano Sandra ES Technical University of Cartagena Cartagena Spain

Garcia Martin Jesus ES IBERDROLA MADRID Spain

Garcia-Fernandez Inmaculada ES University of Málaga Málaga Spain

Garcia-Gomez Juan ES Universtitat Politècnica de València Valencia Spain

Garcia-Sampedro Elena ES ASML Eindhoven Netherlands

Garcia-Serrano Ana ES UNED Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Madrid Spain Computer sciences,information science and bioinformatics

Gardes Frederic FR University of Southampton Southampton United Kingdom Solid state materials

Photonic integration,photonic integrated circuits




Gardner Julian UK Warwick University Coventry United Kingdom Technology

Nanotechnology,nano-materials,nano engineering

MEMS /Microsystemes technologies

Environmental science


Electronics for instruments and sensors


Gargano Luisa IT UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI SALERNO Fisciano Italy Computer technology

Computer sciences,information science and bioinformatics

Gariup Monica IT Frontex Warsaw Poland

Garms-Homolová Vjenka DE HTW Berlin Berlin Germany Social issues

Quality of health care

Patient care


Integrated care


Health services,health care research

Health policy and services

Healthcare system


Garnier Bernard FR BlueSolutions Consulting Valbonne France Technological sciences

Garrote Estíbaliz ES Tecnalia Derio Spain Technological sciences

Signal processing

Intelligent interfaces

Image processing

Computer engineering


Gasevic Dragan CA Society for Learning Analytics Research Edmonton Canada ICT in education and learning

ICT based learning

Higher Education

Higher education

Formal education

Education:systems and institutions,teaching and learning

Education policy


Adult Education

Adult education

Gaspar Romeu PT X&Y Partners Lisbon Portugal

Gastmans Chris BE Catholic University of Leuven Leuven Belgium

Gatautis Rimantas LT Kaunas university of technology Kaunas Lithuania

Gatica-Perez Daniel MX Idiap Research Institute Martigny Switzerland Report assessment

Communication engineering and systems telecommunicati***


Gatzidis Christos EL Bournemouth University Poole United Kingdom

Gaultier Daniel FR SAGEM Defense Sécurité Paris France

Gaussier Philippe FR Cergy Pontoise University Cergy Pontoise France Robotics

Neural networks

Image processing

Cognitive science

Gautier Sophie FR SapienceTic Paris France Open Source Software

Gavin Lesley UK British Telecom (BT Group)

London /Edinburgh United Kingdom

Gavrielides Theo UK Simon Fraser University Vancouver Canada

Gavrilovska Liljana MK Aalborg Unversity Aalborg Denmark Electrical and electronic engineering

Communication engineering and systems telecommunicati***

Gaydadjiev Georgi NL Imperial College London United Kingdom Electrical and electronic engineering

Computer systems

Computer hardware and architecture

Computer hardware

Computer architecture

Gaye Lalya SE Attaya Projects Newcastle upon Tyne United Kingdom Interface technology

Future technology

Computer architecture,pervasive computing,ubiquitous computing


Geerts David BE KU Leuven Leuven Belgium Social studies of science and technology

On-line information services

Information science (social aspects)


Computer graphics,computer vision,multi media,computer games

Communication networks,media,information society

Gelau Christhard DE Federal Ministry of Transport,Building and Urban Development Berlin Germany Psychology

Industrial psychology

Experimental psychology

Cognitive science

Gendrel Anne-Valerie FR Institut Curie,Research centre Paris France

Gent Roger UK AeroTex UK LLP Fleet United Kingdom Aerospace engineering

Gentili Fabrizio IT Permanent Representationo of Italy to the EU Brussels Belgium

Georghiou Gregory Loukas UK University of Manchester Manchester United Kingdom Types of innovation

Social sciences

Innovation policy


Georgieva Petia BG University of Aveiro Aveiro Portugal

Georgopoulou Elena EL National Observatory of Athens Athens Greece

Gergely Csilla HU University Montpellier 2 Montpellier France Medical physics


Gerhardt Almut DE EAWAG Zürich Switzerland

Gerndt Reinhard DE Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences Wolfenbuettel Germ***

Geros Vasileios EL General Secretariat for Research and Technology Athens Greece

Gerres Sebastian DE EICT GmbH Berlin Germany

Gervás Gómez-Navarro Pablo ES Universidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid Spain

Gessler Stefan DE NEC Europe Ltd.Heidelberg Germany

Gfoehler Margit AT Vienna University of Technology Vienna Austria

Ghallab Malik FR CNRS Toulouse France Technological sciences

Technological innovation


Machine learning,statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g.speech,image,video)


Computer engineering

Action planning

Gheno Ilenia IT AGE Platform Europe Brussels Belgium

Ghignone Antonello IT Vibram SPA Albizzate Italy Materials engineering (biomaterials,metals,ceramics,polymers,composites,etc.)

Gianetta Filippo IT Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH Berlin Germany

Giannozzi Paolo IT University of Udine Udine Italy Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics,superconductivity)

Giarda Giampiero IT Giarda srl Roma Italy

Gill Jason UK University of Glasgow Glasgow United Kingdom

Gimeno Meritxell ES DRACO SYSTEMS Sta.Perpetua de Mogoda Barcelona Spain

Giordani Sara IT TTP Lab Vicenza Italy

Giordano Silvia CH SUPSI Manno Switzerland

Giorgetti Alessio IT Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa Italy Telecommunications engineering

Communication engineering and systems telecommunicati***

Girao Luis Miguel PT Foundation for Science and Technology Lisbon Portugal

Giraud Claude FR Philips Semiconductors/NXP Semiconductors CAEN France

Giugliano Michele IT University of Antwerp Antwerp Belgium Neuroinformatics


Computational biology

Biomedical engineering

Gizeli Electra EL Foundation for Research & Technology Hellas Heraklion Crete Greece Technological sciences

Physical sciences

Natural sciences

Health sciences

Gkouskos Zacharias EL University of Crete Herakleio Greece

Glangé Steve LU Charles Oakes and Co Luxembourg Luxembourg

Gleizes Marie-Pierre FR Paul Sabatier University Toulouse France Systems engineering

Glerum Pieter NL NIRAS-IC Ankara Turkey

Gluch Martin DE Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH Jena Germany

Gluck Carol US Columbia University New York United States 0

Gluhak Alexander DE Intel Labs Europe London United King***

Gnecco Giorgio Stefano IT IMT - Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca Italy

Gobbi Santo IT Italian Ministry for Economical development Roma Italy Technological sciences

Gocheva Irina BG Austrian Institute of Technology Vienna Austria Spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques

Quantitative analysis

Qualitative analysis


Inorganic Synthesis

Forensic chemistry

Electrochemistry Redundant)

Godfray Charles UK University of Oxford Oxford United Kingdom 0

Godino Llorente Juan Ignacio ES Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid Spain

Goethals Bart BE University of Antwerp Antwerpen Belgium

Goffaux Cécile BE Cenaero Gosselies Belgium

Golden Mark UK University of Amsterdam Amsterdam Netherlands

Golemati Spyretta EL National Kapodistrian University of Athens Athens Greece

Goleva Rossitza BG Technical University of Sofia Sofia Bulgaria

Gollmann Dieter AT Hamburg University of Technology Hamburg Germany Computer sciences,information science and bioinformatics

Computer science

Golubov Alexander NL University of Twente Enschede Netherlands

Gomez Diaz Teresa ES CNRS Champs sur Marne France Open Source Software

Open data


Gomez Perez Asuncion*maria ES Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Madrid Spain

Gomez Recio Silvia ES Coventry University Brussels Belgium

Gomez Sala Beatriz ES Teagasc Food Research Centre Fermoy,Co.Cork Ireland

Goncalves Ricardo PT New Univ Lisbon /UNINOVA Monte Caparica Portugal

Gontard Nathalie FR INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique Montpellier France

Gontier Eric BE VITO MOL Belgium Natural hazards

Land cover and degradation

Hydrology (Water science)


Global change

Environmental monitoring

Earth science

Earth observations from space/remote sensing

Agricultural engineering

Gonzalez David ES PRODINTEC Gijon Spain

Gonzalez Jose C.ES Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Madrid Spain

Gonzalez Navarro Angeles ES University of Malaga Malaga Spain High performance computing

Embedded computing

Computer engineering

Computer architecture,pervasive computing,ubiquitous computing

Gonzalez-Barahona Jesus M.ES Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Fuenlabrada Spain Software technology


Gonzalez-Rodriguez Jose ES University of Lincoln Lincoln United Kingdom

Goodchild Colin UK University of Glasgow Glasgow United Kingdom

Goodman Lenn US Vanderbilt University Nashville United States Theology

History of philosophy

Ethics (except ethics related to specific subfields)

Goodwin Martin UK 2

020 Insights Ickford Bucks United Kingdom

Goor Erwin BE VITO Mol Belgium

Goossens Kees NL Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven Netherlands

Gorecki Pawel PL Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics Berlin Germany Software development

Evolutionary biology

Computer science

Computational biology



Goretti Maurizio IT NaMeX Rome Italy Optical interconnects

Network technologies /Internetworking

Narrow band tecnology

Internet technology

Internet Science

Internet of Things

Internet architectures

Broadband technology

Gornostaja Tatjana LV Tilde Riga Latvia

Gorokhova Elena SE Stockholm University,Department of Applied Environmental Scence and Department of Systems Ecology Stockholm Sweden

Görres Barbara DE Institut of Geodesy and Geoinformation Bonn Germany

Goshen-Meskin Drora IL HOLON Institute of Technology Holon Israel

Gougeon Philippe FR Valeo Bobigny France Propulsion systems engineering

Innovation strategies

Innovation methodologies

Automotive engineering


Goujon Philippe FR Facultés universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix Namur Belgium

Gövercin Mehmet DE Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin Berlin Germany Geriatrics and gerontology


Graf Susanne DE CNRS Grenoble France Systems of systems

Software notation & tools

Software engineering,operating systems,computer languages

Embedded systems

Gramatica Furio IT Fondazione Don Gnocchi Milano Italy

Grammatikou Mary EL National Technical University of Athens Athens Greece Systems engineering,sensorics,actorics,automation

Communication technology,high-frequency technology

Granados Menendez Elena ES Spanish Labour Construction Organization Madrid Spain

Grannas Mikael FI Municipality of Sipoo Sipoo Finland

Grant Kirsty UK Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique GIF SUR YVETTE France

Gravey Annie FR TELECOM Bretagne Brest France

Gray Peter UK Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway

Gray Laura UK University of Leicester Leicester United Kingdom Epidemiology

Gray-Stephens Caroline UK Scottish Enterprise Glasgow United Kingdom

Greenwood Dominic UK Whitestein Technologies AG Zürich Switzerland

Gregori Giulia IT Novamont S.p.A.Novara Italy

Gregorio Lucia ES INEO Vigo Spain

Grehan Anthony IE National University of Ireland - Galway Galway Ireland Technological sciences

Natural sciences

Marine ecosystems and processes

Marine ecosystem management

Marine biodiversity

Environmental and marine biology

Deep-sea ecosystems

Greve Georg DE Kolab Systems AG Zürich Switzerland

Grigorov Ivo UK DTU AQUA Charlottenlund Denmark Open Access,Open Access to publications,Open Access to data,OA,linked open data,semantic web technologies

Open access


Monitoring and evaluation - general

Marine ecosystems and processes

Knowledge co-creation networks

Grillet Augustin FR Barco nv Kortrijk Belgium

Grillner Sten SE Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology,Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden 0

Grimholt Unni NO University of Oslo Oslo Norway Veterinary medicine

Genetics and heredity

Biology (theoretical,mathematical,thermal,cryobiology,biological rhythm),Evolutionary biology

Biological sciences

Biochemistry and molecular biology

Agricultural sciences

Grochla Krzysztof PL Proximetry Poland Sp.z o.o.Katowice Poland

Groothedde René NL Saxion University of Applied Science Enschede Netherlands

Groppo Riccardo IT Ideas & Motion S.r.l.Cavallermaggiore (CN)

Italy Road transport technology


Embedded systems

Electronic engineering

Design engineering

Computer engineering

Gros Patrick FR Inria Rennes France Multi media

Computer vision

Grosios Konstantina EL SMS-oncology Amsterdam Netherlands

Grosjean Yael FR CNRS Dijon France

Gross Horst-Michael DE Ilmenau University of Technology Ilmenau Germany Signal interpretation



Man Machine interface


Human robot collaboration

Cognitive architectures

Assistive robotics

Grossniklaus Ulrich CH University of Zurich Zürich Switzerland 0

Grosveld Frank NL Erasmus MC Rotterdam Netherlands Molecular genetics,reverse genetics and RNAi

Genomics,comparative genomics,functional genomics

Gene therapy,cell therapy,regenerative medicine

Epigenetics and gene regulation

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