來(lái)源:網(wǎng)群國(guó)際    瀏覽:

Optical and dielectric properties

Mihalas Gheorghe Ioan RO Gamma Centru de Cercetari de Bioinformatica Timisoara Romania Translational medicine

Healthy lifestyle

Healthy ageing

Health monitoring systems

Health information

Data protection and privacy

Bioinformatics,e-Health,medical informatics

Mihaylova Lyudmila*stoyanova UK University of Sheffield Sheffield United Kingdom Technologies-Components

Robotics and automatic control

Communication engineering and systems telecommunicati***

Miljkovic Zoran* RS University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Belgrade Serbia

Millan Jose ES Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Bellaterra,Barcelona Spain Renewable energy sources - general


Energy management

Energy efficiency - general

Electricity grid systems

Electrical and electronic engineering:semiconductors,components,systems

Millard Jeremy UK Brunel University London United Kingdom

Millet Pierre*rene Ferdinand FR Université Paris Sud Orsay France

Milojkovic Jelena RS Statistical Office of Serbia Belgrada Serbia

Milrad Marcelo*fernando SE Vaxjo University Vaxjo Sweden Web and information systems,database systems,information retrieval and digital libraries,data fusion

Management and monitoring of large cooperation/partnership/network projects

Computer games,multi-media,augmented and virtual reality

Milverton David UK Orion Innovations LLP London (All)

United Kingdom Physical chemistry




Molecular chemistry




Chemical physics

Minchener Andrew UK IEA Clean Coal Centre London United Kingdom Technology

Technological sciences

Physical sciences

Natural sciences

Minguez M.Ines ES Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Madrid Spain Phytotechny

Integrated management of water

Climate change


Minihan John IE Advisory Group White Paper on Defence Dublin Ireland

Minot Joël FR NO LIMIT Paris France

Minozzi Marina IT Sapienza University - Polo Pontino,Rome,Italy Latina Italy

Minucciani Valeria IT Polytechnic of Turin Torino Italy Science museums

Museums and exhibitions

Digitalisation/ICT and cultural heritage

Architectural design

Minunni Maria IT Università di Firenze Firenze Italy

Miranda Rosa PT FCTUNL Caparica Portugal

Misheva Vessela SE University of Skövde Skövde Sweden

Misnikov Yuri BY University of Leeds Leeds United Kingdom

Mitchell Alexandre*guillaume UK Expressum Limited London United Kingdom

Mithieux Gilles FR CNRS <lyon France Nutrition related disorders

General biochemistry and metabolism

Mitkov Ruslan UK University of Wolverhampton Wolverhampton United Kingdom

Mitrakos Dimitris EL Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece

Mitrakou-Fanariotou Asimina EL University of Athens Medical School Athens Greece Health sciences

Endocrinology and metabolism (including diabetes,hormones)


Cardiac and Cardiovascular systems

Mitropetros Konstantinos EL Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (Dechema e.V.)

Frankfurt am Main Germany

Mladenic Dunja SI J.Stefan Institute Ljubljana Slovenia

Moffat David UK Glasgow Caledonian University GLASGOW United Kingdom

Moi Gianfranco CH State of Geneva Genève Switzerland

Moisescu Alexandra-Raluca RO University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Bucharest Romania Automotive engineering


Active safety of vehicles

Moldanová Jana CZ Max Planck-Institute for Chemistry Mainz Germany Ozone and atmospheric composition

Human health (Global change)


Geo-information and spatial data analysis

Environment and health risks,occupational medicine

Atmospheric chemistry,atmospheric composition,air pollution

3 D modelling

Molinaro Antonella IT University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria Reggio Calabria Italy

Molinas Marta PY Advance Institute of Industrial Science and technology-AIST Tsukuba Japan Technological sciences


Electrical engineering

Mollenkopf Heidrun DE German Centre for Research on Ageing at the University of Heidelberg Heidelberg Germany Social sciences

Healthy ageing


Møller Bjørn DK University of Aalborg Copenhagen Denmark

Molloy Padraig IE Key Engineering Services LImited Galway Ireland

Monclus Jesus ES MAPFRE FOUNDATION Madrid Spain Vehicle engineering


Propulsion systems engineering

Passive safety of vehicles

Active safety of vehicles

Mongillo Gianluigi IT Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

Paris France Ontologies,neural networks,genetic programming,fuzzy logic

Neuroimaging and computational neuroscience

Machine learning,statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g.speech,image,video)

Monkman Andy UK University of Durham Durham United Kingdom Physics of semiconductors

Molecular electronics

Chemical physics

Monroy Eva ES Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique Grenoble France


Monteiro Edmundo PT University of Coimbra Coimbra Portugal Web and information systems,database systems,information retrieval and digital libraries,data fusion

Types of innovation

Software engineering,operating systems,computer languages

Sensor networks,embedded systems,hardware platforms

Robotics and automatic control

Networks (communication networks,sensor networks,networks of robots,etc.)


Knowledge and Technology transfer

Informatics and information systems

Electrical and electronic engineering

Cryptology,security,privacy,quantum crypto

Critical infrastructure,emergency systems,security,safety engineering

Computer systems,parallel/distributed systems,sensor networks,embedded systems,cyber-physical systems

Computer systems,parallel/distributed systems,grid,cloud processing systems

Computer sciences,information science and bioinformatics

Computer hardware and architecture

Computer games,multi-media,augmented and virtual reality

Communication networks,media,information society

Communication engineering and systems telecommunications

Bioinformatics,e-Health,medical informatics

Automation and control syst***

Monteiro Paulo PT Nokia Siemens Networks Aveiro Portugal Wireless systems

Telecommunications technology

Radio engineering


Networks beyond 3G

Narrow band tecnology

Broadband technology

Monti Johanna* IT Univerisity of Sassari Sassari Italy

Moonen Hans NL University of Twente Enschede Netherlands

Moore Roger

University of Sheffield Sheffield United Kingdom

Moore Paul ES Atos Spain Madrid Spain

Moores Marie IE Theradex (Europe)

Ltd Broadfield United Kingdom Health sciences

Mora Lopez Carolina CO Imec Heverlee Belgium

Morabito Federico IT Telecom Italia spa Rome Italy

Morais Simone PT Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP)

Porto Portugal

Moraitou Ioulia EL Ministry of Citizens Protection,General Secretariat for Civil Protection Athens Greece

Mordret Guy FR DERV Plouider France


Moreno Peña Wendy ES European Commission Madrid Spain


Morganti Michele IT Retired /Self-employed Milano Italy

Morilla Carmen ES 3E Brussels Belgium

Morimoto Nilton BR Brazilian Microelectronics Society São Paulo Brazil

Moritz Robin

University of Cluj Napoca Cluj-Napoca Romania

Moro Esteban ES Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Leganés Spain Technological sciences

Statistical physics

Physical sciences

Numerical analysis


Computational models

Business mathematics

Applied mathematics

Mort Robert UK Systek Consulting Havant United Kingdom Systems engineering

Signal processing

Project engineering



Computer science

Computer engineering

Communication engineering

Aerospace engineering

Morthier Geert BE Ghent University Gent Belgium Electronics,photonics

Morton David UK University of Birmingham Birmingham United Kingdom

Moschitti Alessandro IT Qatar Computing Research Institute Doha Qatar

Mosconi Enrico Maria IT la Tuscia University Viterbo Italy

Moshchalkov Victor BE Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Leuven Belgium

Mountain David UK

www.** United Kingdom

Moura Carlos PT Portugal Telecom Lisbon Portugal Virtual organisations

Systems networks

Systems analysis and models development

Security technology


Landscape architecture

Computer engineering

Broadband technology

Mourik Ruth NL DuneWorks Eindhoven Netherlands

Mozdzonek Michal PL LINTECH Warszawa Poland

Mrak Marta HR BBC LONDON United Kingdom

Mueller Guido DE Ministry of Building,Housing,Urban Development and Transport of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia Düsseldorf Germany Urban studies (Planning and development)


Transport planning and social aspects of transport


Economic geography

Mueller Joerg DE Accenture GmbH Frankfurt Germany Telecommunications engineering

Standardisation of technologies

Renewable energies

Project engineering

Internet technology

Energy storage

Electricity grid systems

Electrical engineering

Control networks


Mueller Markus DE University of Edinburgh Edinburgh United Kingdom EPG Electrical Power Generation & Distribution

Energy collection,conversion and storage,renewable energy

Electrical and electronic engineering

Muench Isabel DE BSI - Federal Information Security Office of Germany Bonn Germany

Mugavero Roberto IT Univerity of Rome Tor Vergata Rome Italy

Muhlethaler Paul FR INRIA Le Chesnay France Technological sciences

Communication engineering and systems telecommunicati***

Mulder Ingrid NL Muziekweb Rotterdam Netherlands

Mulders Piet J NL VU University Amsterdam Netherlands Quantum field theory


Particle physics

Fundamental interactions and fields

Muller Jiri CZ Institute for Energy Technology Kjeller Norway Organic chemistry

Nano-processes (applications on nano-scale)


Nano-materials (production and properties)



Geochemistry and geophysics

Müller Oliver DE University Hospital Heidelberg Heidelberg Germany Rare diseases


Non-drug therapy

Molecular markers and recognition

Laboratory animal science

Genetically modified organisms

DNA therapy


Biomedical engineering

Applied biology

Müller-Myhsok Bertram DE University of Liverpool Liverpool United Kingdom Personalised medicine

Genetic epidemiology


Mulligan Catherine UK future cities catapult London United Kingdom

Muntés-Mulero Victor ES CA Technologies Cornellà de Llobregat Spain Software technology

Muraszkiewicz Mieczyslaw PL Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw Poland

Murphy Michael UK London School of Economics London United Kingdom Population dynamics,aging,health and society

Muscella Silvana UK COMMpla Pisa Italy

Musiani Francesca IT CNRS - ISCC Paris France Sociology

Internet Science

Information science (social aspects)

Nadjm-Tehrani Simin SE Dept.of Computer & Information Science Linkoping Sweden

Naguib Raouf UK BIOCORE Research and Consultancy Coventry United Kingdom

Nardi Daniele IT Sapienza University Roma Italy

Nasiopoulos Panos EL University of British Columbia Vancouver Canada Telecommunications engineering

Media systems

Communication engineering and systems telecommunicati***

Natanson Claudia UK Security Practitioners Ltd Milton Keynes United Kingdom

Natsiopoulos Dimitrios EL Pioneer Hi Bred Thessaloniki Greece Water resources

Urban areas management

Plant sciences,botany

Natural sciences

Environmental sciences

Environmental science

Environmental management

Agricultural engineering

Naudts Jan BE Universiteit Antwerpen Antwerpen Belgium Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics

Statistical physics:phase transitions,noise and fluctuations,models of complex systems,etc.


Higher Education

Application assessment

Navas Garcia Jose Manuel ES National Police Force Seville Spain

Navodaru Ion RO Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development Tulcea Romania

Navrud Stale NO Norwegian University of Life Sciences As Norway

Nawalany Marek PL Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw Poland

Naydenova Izabela BG Dublin Institute of Technology Dublin Ireland

Nedeljkovic Milos RS University of Belgrade,Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Belgrade Serbia

Nedström Magnus SE Advokatbyrån Sigeman & Co AB Malmö Sweden Public law

Private,public and social law

Legal systems,constitutions,foundations of law

European law

Commercial law

Neely David UK Central Laser Facility,STFC,Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Oxon United Kingdom 0

Negru Viorel RO E-Austria Institute Timisoara Romania Web and information systems,database systems,information retrieval and digital libraries,data fusion

Visual techniques /Visual analytics /Intelligent data understanding

Transport engineering,intelligent transport systems

Scientific computing and data processing

Internet and semantic web,database systems and libraries

Intelligent Transport Systems (I***


Intelligent robotics,cybernetics

ICT in education and learning

Energy Efficiency

Digitalisation/ICT and cultural heritage

Data mining and searching techniques

Computer systems,parallel/distributed systems,sensor networks,embedded systems,cyber-physical systems

Computer systems,parallel/distributed systems,grid,cloud processing systems

Computer sciences,information science and bioinformatics

Computer science

Computer graphics,computer vision,multi media,computer games

Artificial intelligence,intelligent systems,multi agent systems

Algorithms,distributed,parallel and network algorithms,algorithmic game the***

Nehlig Pierre*daniel FR BRGM,French geological survey ORLEANS France

Neira Parra Jose ES Universidad de Zaragoza Zaragoza Spain

Nemeth Gabor HU Mediso Ltd.Budapest Hungary

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