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Сonstruction of 660 MW Coal Condensation Electric Power Station Zelvenskaya

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Construction of Zelvenskaya CES

b. Full name:Сonstruction of 660 MW Coal Condensation Electric Power Station Zelvenskaya

c. Summary description:Construction of new coal electric power station at the site to the south of the settlement Zelva in Grodno district at the distance of 110 km from Grodno and 45 km from Poland

А2. Progress Status:Background of the construction site is being developed. Coal market is under investigation

А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) «Belnipienergoprom» - development, Andrew Rykov, Director, ph.:(+37517) 2265272, fax: (+375 17) 2265317; 2) State Production Unit «Belenergo» (RUP «Grodnoenergo») - implementation: Aleksei Skalchuk, Head of Perspective Department; 14, K. Marx str., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus, ph.: (+375 17) 2182314, fax: (+375 17) 2182639; 3) Ministry of Energy: Nikolai Polyavchenko, Head of the Investment Department, 14, K. Marx str., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus, ph.: (+375 17) 2182111, fax: (+375 17) 218***

А4. Project Description:Construction of 660 MW coal condensation electric power station with the installation of two 330 MW units. The unit involves stem turbine K-330-23,5 and steam dust coal boiler for super critical steam parameters. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):9***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The facility RUP «Grodnoenergo» was established in 1963. It involves Grodno heat power station, oblast and regional heat and electric networks. Electric power installed is 184.5 MW. The length of heat network is 475 km, the length of electric network is more than 37 thousand km. A6. Environmental impact summary:No assessment

A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Good grade of stability

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):-***

A9. Project’s branch:Electroenergetics

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Equipment (Germany, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine) + construction works 9***

Total: 9***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Loan or foreign direct investment

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Foreign direct investment 9***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:Not available

E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Electric supply of industrial enterprises and population in the premises of the power station

E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Heat, water, amortization, labor cost, taxes, etc.

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Katerine Rybakova, Chief specialist of the Investment Department (contact person) H2. Organisation (address):Ministry of Energy, 14, K. Marx str., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus. H3. ph.: (+375 17) 2182145, fax: (+375 17) 2182468, E-mail:rybakova**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus


Mogilev Heat Power Plant. Reconstruction of turbines № 2 and 3, Automatic Control System

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Mogilev HPP-2. Reconstruction of turbines

b. Full name:Mogilev Heat Power Plant. Reconstruction of turbines № 2 and 3, Automatic Control System

c. Summary description:Installation of 100 MW gas turbine along with a waste-heat boiler. А2. Progress Status:Feasibility study is developed. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Development: «Belnipienergoprom», Andrei Rykov, director tel.(+37517) 2265272, fax: (+37517) 2265317; 2) Implementation: State Production Association «Belenergo» (RUP «Grodnoenergo») - Aleksei Skalchuk, Head of Perspective Department; tel.:(+37517) 2182314, fax:(+37517) 2182639 3) Ministry of Energy: Nikolai Polyavchenko, Head of the Investment Department, tel.:(+37517) 2182111, fax: (+37517) 2182468, E-mail:polyavchenko**[ta]**

А4. Project Description:Installation of 100 MW gas turbine and a waste-heat boiler is envisaged at Mogilev HPP, as well as its connection to the general station fresh steam collector; replacement of a ПТ-50-130/7 turbine for ПТ-50/60-130/7 turbine; reconstruction of Т-50 turbine for a turbine of exhaust steam along with replacement of stator windings of the generator. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):1***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The facility RUP «Mogilevenergo» was established in 1963. It involves Mogilevskaya heat power station HPS-1, Mogilevskaya HPS-2, Bobruiskaya HPS-1, Bobruiskaya HPS-2, mini-HPS in Osipovichi, Chigirinskaya, Osipovichskaya, Teterinskaya hydro power stations, Mogilev oblast and regional heat and electric networks. Electric power installed is 562 MW. The length of heat network is 470 km, electric network - 37 thousand km. A6. Environmental impact summary:No assessment. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Good grade of stability. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):-/

A9. Project’s branch:Electroenergetics

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Equipment (Russia, China, Switzerland) + civil construction and installation works: 1***

Total project cost: 1***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Budgetary funds: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Loan

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Funds of a foreign investor: Credit

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Supply of industrial and residential sector of Mogilev with electric and heat power. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Fuel, water, depreciation, labour cost, taxes, etc:

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Katerine Rybakova, Chief specialist of the Investment Department H2. Organisation (address):Ministry of Energy: 14, K. Marx str., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus H3. Tel: (+375 17) 2182145, fax: (+375 17) 2182468; e-mail:rybakova**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus


Bereza State District Power Plant. Installation of 450 MW power generating unit on a new site. A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Installation of 450 MW power generating unit on a new site

b. Full name:Bereza State District Power Plant. Installation of 450 MW power generating unit on a new site. c. Summary description:Installation of the combined-cycle power unit of 450 MW capacity category consisting of two gas turbines of 150 MW capacity category, two heat-recovery boilers and steam turbine of 150 МW capacity category. А2. Progress Status:Feasibility study has been developed. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Institute «Belnipienergoprom» - development: Andrei Rykov, Director, tel.: (+375-17) 226-52-77, fax: (+375-17) 226-53-17; State Production Unit «Belenergo» (RUP «Brestenergo»- implementation: Aleksei Skalchuk, Head of the Development Department, tel.: (+375-17) 218-23-40; fax: (+375-17) 218-26-39; 3) Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus: Nikolai Polyavchenko, Head of the Investment Department, tel.: (+375-17) 218-21-11, fax: (+375-17) 218-24-68, E-mail:polyavchenko**[ta]**

А4. Project Description:The project involves: installation of the combined cycle 450 MW of heat-recovery type consisting of two gas turbines V-94.2, two heat-recovery boilers and one steam turbine of the type K-150-7.5. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):4***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The enterprise was established in 1962. RUP «Brestenergo» consists of Bereza State District Power Plant, Brest Heat and Power Plant, Pinsk Heat and Power Plant, Baranovichi Heat and Power Plant, Heat and Power Plant «Zapadnaya» in Pinsk, district boiler installations «BPK-1», «BPK-2» and Severnaya PK, as well as Brest regional and district heating and power networks. The installed electric capacity of RUP «Brestenergo» power system is 1105 MW. The heat network length is 382 km, electric power network - 37 thousand km. A6. Environmental impact summary:Reduction of harmful substances emissions into the environment. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Good grade of stability. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):4/15

A9. Project’s branch:Electroenergetics

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Equipment (Germany, Russia) + civil works: 4***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own funds: 2***

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Direct investment or loan

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investor’s funds: Direct investment or credit: 2***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Export of electric power is envisaged. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Revenues depend on acting tariffs for electric power.

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Heat, water, amortization, labor cost, taxes, etc.

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Ekaterina Rybakova, Head Specialist of the Investment Department, tel.: (+375-17) 218-21-45 H2. Organisation (address):Ministry of Energy, 14 K. Marx St., 220030 Minsk, Republic of Belarus H3. tel.: (+375-17) 218-21-45, fax: (+375-17) 218-24-68, E-mail:rybakova**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus


Concern «Belbiopharm»

Reconstruction of the production areas for manufacture of medicinal preparations by «Dialek» Unitary Enterprise in Minsk

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Reconstruction of the production areas for manufacture of medicinal preparations

b. Full name:Modernization of the existing production areas with the aim of location of productions for manufacture of infusion and injection medicinal preparations by «Dialek» Unitary Enterprise in Minsk, S.Kovalevskaya Str., 52a. c. Summary description:Lower import dependence. Production at the level of the world standards: liquid production in ampoules: 15 mln per year; lyophilized production: 5 mln flacons per year; eye drops: 3 mln flacons per year; tablets: 100 mln per year; suppositories - 100 mln per year; capsule: 50 mln per year. А2. Progress Status:Pre-investment stage. The substantiation of the necessity of investments has been worked out (the feasibility study). The construction design of the 1st stage has been worked out (transition of «Dialek» Unitary Enterprise to the production areas on S. Kovalevskaya lane, 52a). The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd stages have been put in operation. Construction of the 4th stage is under design. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) «Dialek» Unitary Enterprise - the introduction project : Shkutnik M.S., Director , tel./fax: (+375 17) 2229218 (reception office); E-mail:dialek**[ta]**; 2) Concern «Belbiopharm»: 17/G, Masherov Avenue, Minsk, 220029, Republic of Belarus. Gavriljuk N.I., Chief department advance development tel.: (+375 17) 2847***

А4. Project Description:Within the frameworks of the earmarked investment project a new production of a number of diagnostic, medicinal preparations is foreseen, including the original ones meeting the requirements of GMP, along with increasing production of import substituting drugs including ampule medicines (plasmol, cerebromedin, diasplen, diavitol, etc.), ampule lyophilized products (lidasa), capsule products (dialentin, reishidin, omegatrien, agastacine, succine, etc.), pills of glycine and methyl carboxycellulose. Improvement of the output production guaranteeing the accesses to the external market, higher profitability of the production, provision of the real growth of incomes, social protection of the employees. Project development requires purchasing of technological equipment from Poland, India, Italy. Creating capacities are provided with markets. Up to 70% of manufacturing drugs will be sold at the markets of the Republic of Belarus. The rest of them will be sold on the markets of CIS countries, and first of all Russia, providing with currency incomes. А4a. Project cost (mln USD):20***

A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The investment project is to be carried out in accordance with the tendencies of the world development of the pharmaceutical industry, which is presently related to one of the most dynamically developing branches of the world economy. The volumes of the world pharmaceutical market have increased by 70% for the last 10 years. National Unitary Scientific and Production Enterprise «Dialek» was founded in 1965 on the base of Byelorussian Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Ministry of Health. Total number of employees is 200. Structurally «Dialek» includes the Research Center providing the implementation of the whole cycle from scientific idea to manufacturing of ready medicines, their testing, certification, marketing in Belarus and neighboring countries. «Dialek» affiliates in Belarus State Concern «Belbiopharm». The project foresees production of 40 titles of medical preparations. The established capacities are provided with the sales markets. In case of determining the real investor and/or the financing source the said investment project may be confirmed in the detailed business plan. A6. Environmental impact summary:No negative impact to the environment due to modern technologies and closed type equipment. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:The following risks could be identified: 1) unforeseen increase of prices to raw materials and energy resources; 2) additional expenses dealing with registration and certification of the medicines on foreign markets, 3) unforeseen costs because of vis major; 4) lack of own funds. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):5/10

A9. Project’s branch:Pharmaceutical industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Building and construction works: 5***

Equipment purchase and delivery (Poland, India, Italy): 12***

Other expenditures: 3***

Total: 20***

C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Creation of joint venture, share holding. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Direct foreign investments 20***

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:About 70% of the medicinal means sold in Belarus are distributed via the network of drug stores of «Belpharmatsia» Republican Unitary Enterprise. The rest production of the enterprise is sold according to direct contracts via the drug-store network of various forms of ownership, hospitals and commercial organizations. Presently, the basic export includes supplies to the market of Russia. The level of prices for the production of the plant at the internal market of the Republic of Belarus is declared and registered by the state management bodies. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Income during the period of project recoupment: 1***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:For implementation of the Project the enterprise possesses industrial spaces, engineering services, power resources. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Main raw material: Ancillary materials: Salary for principal industrial workers: Production costs: 1***

Economic costs: Non-production costs: Complete expenses: 6***

Profits tax: 1***

Total: 8***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net income: 4***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Kisljuk Vasilij Alecseevitch, Chief engineer of «Dialek» Unitary Enterprise. (+375 17) 2162315 H2. Organisation (address):«Dialek» Research and Production Republican Unitary Enterprise: 52a, S. Kovalevskaya lane, Minsk, 220014, Republic of Belarus. H3. Tel.:(+37517)2190641, 2162315, tel./fax:(+37517)2229218 (reception office), 2162315 (executing officer); E-mail:dialek**[ta]** H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Concern «Belbiopharm»


Build-up of new production of solid dosage forms at Borisov Factory OF Healthcare Products Republican Unitary Enterprise (RUE)

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Build-up of production of solid dosage forms (tablets, capsules and sterile packing of powder antibiotics)

b. Full name:Build-up of production of solid dosage forms with a capacity of 1000 million tablets, 50 million capsules, 22 million antibiotics in vials per year

c. Summary description:The organization of production for the purposes of increase a range of drugs in tablets and capsules, sterile packing of powder antibiotics, conformity of their manufacture with GMP, to comply with the needs of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus with high quality products and further growth of production volume for displacement of foreign drugs, to retain the sales markets in the CIS countries. А2. Progress Status:Pre-investment stage. New building site of 4650 square meters at 64/27 Chapaev Street is provided. Decision of the Borisov Executive Committee No. 96 dd. February 27, 2003. Business-plan and architectural project are developed. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Borisov Factory of Healthcare Products RUE as an object of implementation : Alexander N. Fando, Chief Executive Officer, tel.: (+375 1777) 32261 (reception desk), secretary tel./fax: (+375 1777) 32425; E-mail:fan**[ta]**; Vitaly V. Deresh, Chief Engineer, tel.: (+375 1777) 66451, E-mail:dvv**[ta]**,; 2) Concern «Belbiopharm»: 17/G, Masherov Avenue, Minsk, 220029, Republic of Belarus. Gavriljuk N.I., Chief department advance development tel.: (+375 17) 2847***

А4. Project Description:The implementation of the investment project envisages the build-up of the production of solid dosage forms (tablets, capsules, powders) complying with the regulations of the national and international Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). The production to be build-up will be fully mechanized and automated in order to improve the product quality and its consumer characteristics. The production of intestinal-soluble film coated tablets will be organised; production line for special small batches, technological lines for tablets and capsules of different pharmacological groups will be separated as well as lines for production of powder antibiotics: 1) Cephalosporin injection antibiotics including intravenous injections; 2) Antibiotics of other pharmacological groups; 3) Drastic medicines; 4) Hormonal preparations. The implementation of this project should contribute to the growth of the competitiveness of the products, not only to restrain, but also to increase the volumes of export deliveries of the products to ensure the growth of foreign currency earnings. The production facilities to be set up are already secured with sales markets. This investment project may be confirmed by detailed business plan in case of finding of potential investor and/or financial sources. Realization of this project helps to raise competitiveness of goods, rise production profitability, gives the opportunity to expand markets, increases volume of output and influx of foreign currency. The creating facilities are provided with sales market. This project can be confirmed through detailed business plan in case of finding of potential investor and/or financial sources. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Borisov Factory of Healthcare Products Republican Unitary Enterprise was established in 1965. The total number of the persons employed at the factory is 2180 persons. As of the date of its incorporation the factory was continuously improved through the implementation of modern technologies, creation of new production sites, developing the range of the products manufactured. At present it is a modern, dynamically developing pharmaceutical enterprise, which continuously extents the range and volumes of the products manufactured in conformity with the needs of the population, demands of the health care service and pharmaceutical market. The factory owns the Conformity Certificate according to the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2001, Standard of Belarus, registered with the Register of National Certification System of the Republic of Belarus under No. BY/112 dd. 26.09.2003, Ecological Certificate for conformity with the requirements of STB ISO 14001-2000 Standard of Belarus of he Environmental Management System issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus, GMP (STB 1435-2004) Conformity Certificate for 2 pharmaceutical productions, which was issued in 2005. The financial state of the factory is stable: - current liquidity ratio - 2,8; - rate of coverage of current assets - 0,23;- rate of profitability January-July 2006 - 25,4%. The factory has no budget debts in tax payments, supplied energy sources and payments of wages. A6. Environmental impact summary:The factory has no detrimental environmental impact due to using the modern technology and closed type production equipment. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:The following possible risks in the implementation of the project should be marked according to the impact ratio: 1) price raise for raw materials and goods; 2) additional investment expenses not stipulated in the project; 3) problems connected with registration and certification of products in foreign markets. A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):2/15

A9. Project’s branch:Pharmaceutical industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Engineering design: Production and auxiliary equipment (Germany, China, India): Other expenses: Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

Own funds: D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Crediting. D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Foreign investment funds: Credit

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:Nowadays the export reaches 56,6% in the volume of marketing products, accordingly 43,4% of products are sold in the national market. About of 85,9% of medicines sold in Belarus are distributed through the network of the Belpharmacia RUE chemist's warehouse. The other products are realized by the enterprise through drugstores, clinics and commercial companies under direct-sales contracts. The deliveries to Russian market are the basis of the export. At present the export in sales markets is as follows: Russian Federation - 46,2%, Kazakhstan - 23,8%, Uzbekistan - 11,34%, Kyrgyzstan - 1,2%, Ukraine - 4,1%, Moldova - 3,2%, Georgia - 3,2%, Armenia - 2,3%, Turkmenistan - 4,0%, Azerbaijan - 1,2%, Other neighbouring and foreign countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, USA and other) - 0,5%. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

Sales income during pay-back period: 3***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:There are available free facilities, engineer network and communications, sources of power at the factory. F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Basic raw material: 1***

Auxiliary material: Wage of production workers: General manufacturing expenses: Factory overheads: Non-manufacturing expenses: Full costs: 2***

Profit tax: Total: 2***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit: H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Alexander N. Fando, CEO Borisov Factory of Healthcare Products RUE. H2. Organisation (address):Borisov Factory of Healthcare Products RUE: 64/27, Chapaeva Str., Minsk region, Borisov, 222120, Republic of Belarus. H3. Tel./fax: (+375 1777) 32261 (secretary), tel.: (+375 1777) 32261 (contact person); E-mail:fan**[ta]**; H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Concern «Belbiopharm»


Concern «Belgospischeprom»

The organisation of manufacture of bioethanol

on OJSC «Zhabinka Sugar Plant»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:The organisation of manufacture of bioethanol

b. Full name:The organisation of manufacture of bioethanol on OJSC «Zhabinka Sugar Plant»

c. Summary description:The purpose of the present project is the organisation of manufacture of fuel bioethanol from a sugar beet. А2. Progress Status:Preinvestment stage. The organisation executes preliminary technical and economic researches of the project. The investor is required. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:The Belarussian State Concern of Food Industry «BELGOSPISCHEPROM», Bykovski Valeri, chief of construction and investment department tel/fax:: +375 17 2238751, E-mail:bykovski**[ta]**.by

А4. Project Description:The plant is planned to construct on OJSC «Zhabinka Sugar Plant» (60 thousand tons of fuel bioethanol a year). It will allow to lower consumption of mineral oil, at the expense of working out of mixed gasolines, with addition of ethanol of 5 %. Mixed gasolines can be used not only in cars, but also in, so-called, small engines - motor boats, motor-blocks, etc. The most expedient is bioethanol application as its additive to automobile gasoline that allows to increase volume of manufacture of light mineral oil. Bioethanol represents the liquid spirit fuel which pair it is heavier than air, is developed from the agricultural crops containing starch or sugar. Unlike food spirit, fuel ethanol practically does not contain some the water which share should not exceed 0,1-0,2 %. Such spirit forming steady mixes with gasoline, has received a wide circulation in a number of foreign countries as motor fuel. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:The main activities is sugar from a sugar beet and raw sugar. A6. Environmental impact summary:Discharges are within the admissible limits. At the same time, use of fuel ethanol will influence on: - environmental contamination prevention, decrease in volume of emissions of the gases causing a hotbed effect and other poisonous substances; - loading decrease on natural water systems. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Price and cost increase

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):4/12

A9. Project’s branch:Food industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)


Building works and construction assembling operations

Working out of the design-budget documentation***

Other expenses [risks]***

Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Financing of all project. Sale of actionst

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Investors funds: Direct foreign investments

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The main market is the Republic of Belarus, the EU countries

E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

(a year)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:The price of sugar beet, the electric power

F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Total: (a year)

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

(a year)***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Bykovski Valeri, chief of construction and investment department H2. Organisation (address):Concern «BELGOSPISCHEPROM»: Republic of Belarus, 220006, Minsk sity, Aransky str., 6 H3. tel/fax:: +375-17 2238751; E-mail:bykovski**[ta]**.by H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Concern «Belgospischeprom»


The building «Minsk juice plant»

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:The building «Minsk juice plant»

b. Full name:The building «Minsk juice plant»

c. Summary description:The project purpose is building of new plant on manufacture of juice for reduction import of the given group foods in Belarus

А2. Progress Status:Preinvestment stage. The decision of the Minsk regional executive committee on the preliminary coordination of a place of placing of the ground area for object building (the ground area 9га is given by the area on agrocombine «Gdanovitchi» earths) is received; the business plan of the investment is developed; the contract on working out of the design-budget documentation is concluded. The investor is required. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:1) Engineering company «BELCTROIPISCHEPROM» Nikiforovetch A.V.:tel: (+375 17 2560397) ; 2) The Belarussian State Concern of Food Industry «BELGOSPISCHEPROM», Bykovski Valeri, chief of construction and investment department tel/fax: (+375 17 2238751), E-mail:bykovski**[ta]**.by

А4. Project Description:Building of modern factory on manufacture of juice production in convenient PET-CONTAINER that corresponds to priorities of development of canning branch of republic is planned. A principal view of activity of the enterprise is manufacture of juice natural (with pulp, without pulp), the aerated drinks, water drinking. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects: A6. Environmental impact summary:Discharges are within the admissible limits. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Price and cost increase

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):2/8

A9. Project’s branch:Food industry

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Equipment and assembly jobs cost including

Construction-and-assembling operations***


Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Financing of all project. Sale of actionst

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Investors funds: Direct foreign investments, credit

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The main market is the Republic of Belarus

E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

(a year)

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:The price of sugar beet, the electric power

F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Raw materials, energy, fuel: Staff: Depreciation: Others: Total: G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

(a year)***

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Bykovski Valeri, chief of construction and investment department H2. Organisation (address):Concern «BELGOSPISCHEPROM»: Republic of Belarus, 220006, Minsk sity, Aransky str., 6 H3. tel/fax:: (+375 17 2238751); E-mail:bykovski**[ta]**.by H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Concern «Belgospischeprom»


Building of Logistics center in Minsk region

A. Project Opportunity Description:A1. Project Name:а. Short name:Building of Logistics center

b. Full name:Building of Logistics center in Minsk region

c. Summary description:There is a building of modern transportation and logistics center (15 000 m2 of total area) planned in the frames of investment project. The new center will provide to realize the following technological operations: unloading and acceptance of products, storing in warehouses, additional processing of products (marking, packing, sorting etc.); calculation and control of processing; shipping, delivery to a customer etc. А2. Progress Status:Pre-investment stage: Minsk regional Executive committee approved preliminary place of location for the building of the project (ground area of 5.91 hectares provided on the territory of agro-industrial complex «Jdanovichi», region of Heating and power plant №4); business-plan is developed. Looking for an investor. А3. Organizations involved and their roles:Functions of the customer are executed by RIUE «Belstroypischeprom» Director - Alexandr Kurtsevich tel.+375 17 2560397, concern**[ta]**.by

А4. Project Description:The building of a modern center is planned for the full stroke of transport and logistics service to rationalize transportation process and guaranteed delivery of freight. The project corresponds to The priority development of transport and logistics system of The Republic of Belarus. The realization of the project includes the logistics center buildings construction (warehouses, administrative and common buildings, subsidiary building; boiler house, areas for trains and barriers) their infill of shelving and all the necessary equipment for trading activity. А4a. Project cost (mln USD): A5. Background/history/overall programme/related or similar projects:Minsk is the most attractive for potential investors in sphere of transport and logistics service in the Republic of Belarus, as it is the biggest distributive center of international level, which provides processing and trans-shipment of freights with the use of motor, railway and air transport. Today the investment project for creating transport and logistics center «Priles'e» is being realized by Iranian company «Keyson». Investment proposals (from Belgium, Russia, Lithuania) have been already received for creation of new transport and logistics park in the district of RUE «National Airport "Minsk». A6. Environmental impact summary:Discharges are within the admissible limits. A7. Possible obstacles/ problems/ risk assessment:Organization risks can occur

A8. Term of realization/term of recoupment (years):2***

A9. Project’s branch:Transport and communication

B. Capital Cost Items (additional requirements for project):B1. Project physical components B2. Capital cost (mln USD)

Pre-investment researches***

Building and assembly jobs

Design estimates***


Total: C. Capital Resources Available from Sponsors/ Proposers:C1. Resources 'in kind', grants, investments, equity/ownership, etc. C2. Amount (mln USD)

D. Required Financial Assistance:D1. Financing gaps, type of financial assistance required:Financing of the whole project is necessary

D2. Sources of finance D3. Type of investment D4. Amount (mln USD)

Investor funds Direct investments

D5. Financial/ International Institution Name:E. Demand (users) and revenues:E1. Type of users/ markets, volumes, pricing, revenues, quantifiable benefits/ savings:The main consumers of the center are organizations, located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. E2. Revenues (Sales) E3. Amount (mln USD)

proceeds from realization of the project per a year 4***

F. Operating and Maintenance Costs:F1. Cost components, strategies for cost recovery, operating organisations, subsidies, etc.:F2. Cost Item F3. Amount (mln USD)

Raw materials, energy, fuel: 4***

Staff: Depreciation: Others: Expenses for realization

Taxes and payments from profit***

Total a year: 4***

G. Net Income Value:G1. Net Income Value G2. Amount (mln USD)

Net profit per a year

H. Project information source:H1. THIS FORM WAS COMPLETED BY:Koren' N.N. chief engineer of RIUE «Belstroypischeprom» H2. Organisation (address):RIUE «Belstroypischeprom» Republic of Belarus, 220006, Minsk city, Aransky str., 6 H3. tel/fax: (+375 17) 2560397; E-mail:concern**[ta]**.by H4. Date:December, 2008 H5. Supreme Organization:Concern «Belgospischeprom»


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