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Publications Office

EU Official Directory Steering Committee Participatinginstitutions

EU institutions and bodies which publish their organisation charts in the

Official Directory of the European Union

Chair Name: Xavier Desurmont

Institution: Publications Office

Tel+352 2929-4***

E-mail: xavier.desurmont**[ta]**

Terms of reference(summary description)

Steering committee for the operation of the Official Directory of the

European Union (digital and print editions)

Date of first meeting ***

Frequency of meetings Once or twice per year

Number of meetings 1

Main subjects covered PDF-on-demand in production

Production of the next printed edition

Statistics about production and dissemination

Interinstitutional Style Guide Steering Committee



All institutions represented in the Management Committee

Chair Name: Bernard Lahure

Institution: Publications Office

Tel+352 2929-4***

E-mail: bernard.lahure**[ta]**

Terms of reference(summary description)

Steering committee (composed mainly of jurist-linguists and translation

services of the institutions): coordination in order to create and maintain

the style guide in all official languages

+ 24 linguistic subgroups

+ working group ‘Currencies, countries, languages’

Date of first meeting February ***

Frequency of meetings Variable; most of the work is done by written procedure; occasional

meetings when necessary

Number of meetings 2-3 meetings with English groups to consolidate 2 major reference

books (Interinstitutional style guide and English style guide)

Several hundred written procedures were conducted with concerned

departments following requests received

Main subjects covered Writing rules and conventions

Normative terminology


Annual Management Report ***

EU Open Data Portal (ODP) Steering Committee



Parliament, Council, Secretariat-General and several

Directorates-general of the Commission, and other European


Chair Name: António Carneiro

Institution: Publications Office

Tel+352 2929-4***

E-mail: antonio.carneiro**[ta]**

Terms of reference(summary description)

Management of the EU Open Data Portal and related activities

Date of first meeting March ***

Frequency of meetings 2-3 times per year

Number of meetings 2

Main subjects covered Follow-up on the development of the portal

Acquisition of data providers and datasets

Promotion of open data activities

Metadata standardisation and other interoperability activities

Web metrics

Data quality and reusability

Governance of the subdomain and related

unique and persistent identification schema

Working Group ‘Évolution de l’Office’



All institutions represented in the Management Committee

Chair Name: Yvo Volman/Luca Martinelli

Institution: Publications Office

Tel+352 2929-4***

Tel+352 2929-4***

E-mail: yvo.volman**[ta]**



Terms of reference (summary description)

The Working Group ‘Évolution de l’Office’ was created by a

decision of the Management Committee on 4 July 2014 as

an interinstitutional group mandated to discuss the future

orientations for the activities of the Publications Office. Its remit

is to analyse and compare the current and envisaged core tasks of the Publications Office, especially in the context of digital

transformation and new ways of information management

Date of first meeting 5 September ***

Frequency of meetings Ad hoc

Number of meetings 2

Main subjects covered Core tasks of the Publications Office (production, access, long-term preservation, reuse)

Adequacy of the current mandate (Decision 2009/496/EC, Euratom) in the context of the ongoing and planned changes

in the types of tasks performed by the Publications Office


Publications Office

Interinstitutional Working Group on Web Preservation



All institutions

Chair Name: Yvo Volman

Institution: Publications Office

Tel+352 2929-4***

E-mail: yvo.volman**[ta]**

Terms of reference(summary description)

Development of a preservation policy and solution for the websites of the

EU institutions, agencies and other bodies.

In 2015, the group has overseen the implementation of the web

preservation solution

Date of first meeting 26 February ***

Frequency of meetings Every 2-3 months

Number of meetings 4

Main subjects covered Content to be preserved

Services to be offered

Legal issues

Technical issues and pilots

Best practices

Recommendations for implementation


Contact: L. Martinelli (Tel+352 2929-427***



Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

Directorate A - Policy Development and Coordination

Unit A.6 - Open Data Policy and Science Cloud

Contact: Johan Stierna

E-mail: johan.stierna**[ta]**


European Commission

B-1049 Brussels


EUROPE DIRECT is a service to help you find answers

to your questions about the European Union

Freephone number

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This document has been prepared for the European Commission however it reflects the views only of the

authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

More information on the European Union is available on the internet (

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2***

PDF ISBN 978-29-79-70166-5

doi: 10.2777/13***




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