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KEIDANREN (Japan Business Federation)

KEIDANREN is a comprehensive economic organization with a membership comprised of 1,329 representative companies of Japan, 109 nationwide industrial associations and 47 regional economic organizations (as of June 2015). KEIDANREN mission is to draw upon the vitality of corporations, individuals and local communities to support corporate activities which contribute to the self-sustaining development of the Japanese economy and improvement in the quality of life for the Japanese people. For this purpose, KEIDANREN establishes consensus in the business community on a variety of important domestic and international issues for their steady and prompt resolution. KEIDANREN communicates with a wide range of stakeholders including political leaders, administrators, labor unions and citizens.

Official web-sit




Federation of Korean Industries (FKI)

FKI was founded in 1961. The main objectives of the organization are to help promote sound economic policies, and to internationalize the economy to further enhance the free market economic system and the development of the nation. To this end the Federation addresses the government on major economic issues and policies, helps promote cooperation with major international and foreign economic organizations, disseminate free market principles and assists corporations in promoting corporate community relations. FKI members represent various economic sectors from manufacturing to telecommunicatio***

Official web-sit




Singapore Confederation of Industries (SCI)

The predecessor of SCI was the Singapore Manufacturers Association established in 1932 to represent the interests of manufacturers in Singapore. Over more than 60 years, the SMA was able to become a key institution in industry, contributing significantly to the development of the manufacturing sector. In order to better meet the needs of manufacturers in a continuously changing economic landscape and to assist them exploit opportunities in a dynamic regional economy, the SMA was restructured to become the Singapore Confederation of Industries (SCI) in 1996. SCI mission is to promote a conducive environment and achieve an effective program for its members to grow, globalize and contribute to the progress and prosperity of Singapore. SCI's 1,200 members are organized into Industry Groups, each Group catering to the needs of companies in specific manufacturing sectors.


Federation of Thai Industries (F.T.I)

The Federation of Thai Industries (F.T.I) was established in 1987 after re-organization of the Association of Thai Industries (A.T.I). FTI brings together industrial leaders to promote Thailand's socio-economic development. FTI represents Thai manufacturers at national and international levels, helps Thai companies to internationalize and grow, as well as participates in the consultations with the government of Thailand to advance national policy.

Official web-sit




Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)

TOBB was established in 1950. The Union is the highest legal entity in Turkey representing the private sector. Today, TOBB has 365 members in the form of local chambers of commerce, industry, commerce and industry, maritime commerce and commodity exchanges. The Union aims to ensure unity and solidarity between chambers and commodity exchanges, promote favorable business climate in Turkey etc. TOBB participates actively in the work of official, social and commercial bodies and agencies to promote interests of its members.

Official web-sit



Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations (TISK)

The story of TISK began when six employer associations, namely, Metal Products Industrialists’ Association, Istanbul Wood Industry Employers’ Association, Istanbul Textile Industry Employers’ Association, Istanbul Food Industry Employers’ Association, Istanbul Printing Industry Employers’ Association and Istanbul Glass Industry Employers’ Association, came together in 1961 to organize under the “Union of Istanbul Employer Associations”. Next year the name of the Union was changed to the “Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations”. TISK mission is to maintain labour peace, sustain free enterprise and market economy, improve international competitiveness of enterprises, increasing productivity, investment and exports, reduce unemployment and improve vocational training through establishing education-employment link.

Official web-sit



North America


Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA)

CERBA mission is to establish business relations between Canadian and Eurasian companies and improve business environment. To this end CERBA representatuves participate in consultations on key issues of business interest with the governments of Canada and Eurasian countries, organize business events, provide services and consultations on marketing and conducting market research, publish a quarterly journal. The Association members include over 200 corporations and individuals in a wide range of sectors. CERBA has its offices in Moscow, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary Vancouver and Almaty.

Official web-sit




American Chamber of Commerce

The American Chamber of Commerce in Russia is committed to creating a more business-friendly environment in the Russian Federation. Acting as a link between members, policy-makers and business leaders in the U.S. and Russia, the Chamber works to identify common problems to normal business operations and achieve mutually-beneficial solutions. The Chamber also contributes to the establishment of partner relations between Russian and American companies through organizing business events. The Chamber structure includes a number of thematic committees, in particular on capital markets and financial services, environment, energy, customs and transportation, human resources, investment and taxation.

Official web-sit



Latin America


Argentine Industrial Union (UIA)

Argentine Industrial Union is the largest business association of the country. The Union was established in 1887. UIA mission is to promote the interests of industrialists of Argentina for economic and social development of the country and prepare proposals to improve sector competiveness and technological development, consolidation of internal market and integration of Argentine industry in the global market.

Official web-sit




Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI)

CNI mission is to defend and represent industry in the promotion of a favorable environment for business, competitiveness and sustainable development of Brazil. CNI structure includes Standing Thematic Committees to present draft legislation projects according to its respective area of responsibility, and provide supporting elements for the decision making process of CNI’s direction bodies, in particular on infrastructure, international and national integration, micro and small businesses, economic policy as well as social responsibility.

Official web-sit


Partners in corporate citizenship sphere

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a global UN network in the development sphere aimed at promoting well-being and positive changes in the human life through providing the countries with sources of knowledge, experience and resources. UNDP works in more than 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. UNDP helps countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results. UNDP is deeply involved in all processes around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in September 2015 implementation. UNDP is bringing its extensive programming experience to bear in supporting countries to develop their national SDG efforts. In all activities, UNDP encourages the protection of human rights and the empowerment of women, minorities and the poorest and most vulnerable. For more information please visit the official web-sit



Agency of Social Information (ASI) is a specialized agency promoting the interests of the Third Sectorlegal advocates and ecologists associations, charity funds, women and youth unions, associations of scientists, cultural and educational professionals. ASI was established in 1994 at the initiative of the charity funds “Psyche” and “No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction”, pedagogical union “Rainbow” and like-minded group. Thereat independent non-governmental organisations just gained momentum. Now a number of registered NGOs is about 500 000, their activities become more valued and professional. Simultaneously the requirements to information support to the NGOs projects are advancing. For more information please visit the official web-sit


The International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) is an independent international NGO established by HRH The Prince of Wales in 1990. The IBLF works in 50, predominantly emerging, countries throughout the world. IBLF mission is to engage business in implementing responsible business practices and creating responsible business cultures. IBLF is supported by a network of over 85 companies from Europe, America, Asia and the Middle East and more than 200 affiliated organisations worldwide. IBLF’s focus is on promoting anti-corruption and business ethics, on building trust and on related aspects of responsible business practices, internationally and with an emphasis on emerging markets. In Russia the Forum was founded by the Russian and international companies such as Alfa-Bank, Johnson & Johnson, Interros, Nestlé, Philips, ТНК-BP and Uralsib. For more information please visit the official web-sit



Charities Aid Foundation Russia (CAF) is a non-profit organisation committed to motivating society to give ever more effectively, helping to transform lives and communities around the world. CAF Russia offers companies to support their corporate social responsibility initiatives. CAF Russia helps companies to make the most of their charity activities by implementing programs on behalf of the companies, assisting in establishment of independent charities, and providing consulting services in the field of corporate philanthropy policies. CAF manages more than USD3.5 billion accredited by 600 000 private and corporate donors as well as charity organizations working throughout the world. For more information please visit the official web-sit


National Union of HR Managers is the first Russian professional community of the HR Managers. Since January 2002 the Union acts as an All-Russia professional congress. Tens of thousands of HR Managers from across Russia participate in the conferences, exhibitions, round tables and projects of the Union. The organization`s work was supported by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation. The Union`s mission is to promote formation of HR as a profession in Russia. For more information please visit the official web-sit


Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation is the federal executive body responsible for drafting and implementing government policy and legal regulation in the area of healthcare, mandatory health insurance, the production and distribution of pharmaceuticals for medical use, including disease prevention measures (such as AIDS and other infections), medical treatment, rehabilitation and appraisals (excluding medical-social and military medical appraisals), pharmaceuticals activities such as ensuring the quality, efficacy and safety of pharmaceuticals for medical use, the production and distribution of medical products, sanitary and epidemiologic welfare of the population, medical and sanitary support for people employed in industries with dangerous working conditions etc. The Healthcare Ministry coordinates and oversees the operation of its subordinated services and agencies, includingthe Federal Supervision Service for Healthcare, the Federal Medical-Biological Agency, federal state institutions and unitary enterprises; and coordinates the work of the Federal Mandatory Health Insurance Fund. For more information please visit the official web-sit



Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Minobrnauka) is a federal executive body responsible for drafting and implementing government policy and legal regulation in the field of education, science, research and development and related innovation activities, nanotechnology, development of national research and high technology centres, national research centres and academic towns, intellectual property (excluding legal regulation of issues related to control, supervision and the provision of state services in the field of legal protection of inventions, useful models, industrial samples, computer software, databases and topography of integral circuits, including those that are part of a comprehensive technology, trademarks, service marks, and protected designation of origin), as well as in the field of education, guardianship and custody of minors, social assistance and social security for students of educational establishments, youth policy, and state services and state property management in the field of education, upbringing, science, research and development and related innovation activities, including national research and high technology centres, national research centres, unique research stands and equipment, national multiple access centres, leading research schools, the new-generation national computer network, and information support to research, research and development and related innovation activities. For more information please visit the official web-***



The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR) is the largest trade union association in Russia. The Federation brings together 41 All-Russia trade unions as members and 6 trade unions on a contract basis. The Federation was established to unite and coordinate the member organizations actions on promoting and protecting social, labour and civil rights, working, professional, economic and social interests of trade unions members, collective rights and interests of workers as well as promoting and protecting common interests and achieving common goals of the member organizations, providing legal safeguards for their activities as at the federal level as in the subjects of the Russian Federation. For more information please visit the official web-sit



Association of Recruitment Consultants is the largest and most credible professional union of headhunters in Russia, CIS and the Eastern Europe. The Association activities are aimed at promoting quality employment of people in the market economic environment. For more information please visit the official web-sit



Donors Forum is the largest charity organizations working in Russia. Similar coalitions operate in different countries worldwide. Donors Forum`s mission is to promote development and increased effectiveness of granting aimed at formation of democratic civil society in Russia. The main areas of work include information exchange, formation and promotion of standards of philanthropy and representing the interests of the donor community. Donors Forum closely collaborate with the national governmental authorities and international donors organizations. For more information please visit the official web-sit


Center of Corporate Citizenship Studies aims at developing corporate citizenship ideas as responsible business public conduct in Russia. The Center`s mission is to promote corporate citizenship ideas, inform wide audience about developments in this sphere, participate in elaborating measures to increase corporate social responsibility effectiveness being a platform for a dialogue between business, state and civil society on actual cooperation agenda to address the social challenges Russia faces. The Center engages the best Russian experts in CSR sphere, corporate citizenship, sociology and economy, of the Russian Academy of Sciences, non-profit sector, NGOs and media. The Expert Council of the Center monitors and analyses the developments in corporate citizenship sphere, makes evaluations and elaborate recommendations for the governmental authorities and business. For more information please visit the official web-sit



Social exchange “Mutual Help” is a non-profit project by Laboratory of Social Innovations Cloudwatcher aimed at supporting vulnerable social groups of citizens in Russia. The project includes a creation of a suitable system of collection and distribution of unsaleable goods, seasonal production rests, goods with damaged packing and with inconsiderable defects as a humanitarian aid to indigents. The main objectives of the project are to promote a higher level of transparency and efficiency of charity projects, engage companies interested in charities, and develop a social sector of the economy. For more information as well as the data base of the social projects please visit the official web-sit



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