來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

招商項目編號:28 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:健康養(yǎng)老 瑞安市 馬嶼度假型養(yǎng)老中心 2、招商項目概況:擬選址馬嶼鎮(zhèn)中心區(qū),規(guī)劃建設集護理、康復、住宅、度假、娛樂為一體的度假型養(yǎng)老中心,滿足瑞安中南部地區(qū)老年福利事業(yè)發(fā)展需求。3、招商項目規(guī)模、建設條件與招商引資優(yōu)勢:占地約70畝,已完成前期政策處理。馬嶼鎮(zhèn)總?cè)丝?/SPAN>14.9萬人,其中60歲以上老年人2.46萬人,占全鎮(zhèn)總?cè)丝诘?/SPAN>16.93%,養(yǎng)老市場前景好。4、投資項目概算:總投資2億元。5、投資項目合作方式:出讓或合作。6、需外方投資構(gòu)成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:投資回報率15%以上,投資回收期7年。二、投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式: 項目招商機構(gòu):馬嶼鎮(zhèn)人民政府 招商引資聯(lián)系人:金君 招商引資電話:1396777*** 招商引資傳真:0577-6577*** 招商引資郵箱:myzszx**[ta]**.com 招商引資地址:瑞安市馬嶼鎮(zhèn)雙嶼南路


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameHealthcare and Endowment, Ruian City, Mayu Resort Endowment Center 2. Project AbstractThe site selection shall fall in the central area of Mayu town, where a resort endowment center integrating nursing, rehabilitation, residence, vacation and entertainment shall be constructed to satisfy the development demand of welfare service to the aged in the central-southern part of Rui’an. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe floor space is about 70 mu, and the preliminary policy processing has been completed. The total population of Mayu town is 149,000, among which the aged above 60 years old reaches 24,600 and represents 16.93% of the total one. Therefore, the market prospect of endowment is sound. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 2 billion Yuan approximate*** 5. Ways of CooperationTransfer or cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisIt is expected that the ROI shall be 15% with ROI period as 7 years. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentPeoples Government at Mayu Town ContactsJin Jun Telephone1396777*** Fax0577-6577*** E-mailmyzszx**[ta]**.com AddressSouth Shuangyu Road, Mayu Town, Ruian City


招商項目編號:29 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:健康養(yǎng)老 平陽縣 濱海新區(qū)濱海醫(yī)院新建項目 2、招商項目概況:選址平陽縣濱海新區(qū)新興產(chǎn)業(yè)園。園區(qū)入口設有沈海高速和溫州繞城高速互通,交通、區(qū)位條件優(yōu)越?匾(guī)已編制,市政主干道已開工建設,現(xiàn)地塊已達到“三通一平”,并具備開發(fā)條件。3、建設規(guī)模、條件及優(yōu)勢:計劃用地面積9816平方米。提供全程代辦服務,享受園區(qū)優(yōu)惠政策。所在的新興產(chǎn)業(yè)園發(fā)展較成熟,浙江省規(guī)模最大、游樂設備最先進的溫州海豚灣水上樂園已建成開放,省內(nèi)規(guī)模最大的小微園--萬洋國際工業(yè)城已完成部分地塊主體工程結(jié)頂。4、投資項目總額:6000萬元。5、投資項目合作方式:獨資或合資。6、需外方投資構(gòu)成:25%以上。7投資項目效益分析:濱海醫(yī)院是濱海新區(qū)的醫(yī)療配套服務項目,為濱海新區(qū)提供醫(yī)療服務,并可輻射周邊縣市,受惠群眾近20萬人。預計內(nèi)部投資收益率10%,投資回收期8-10年。二、投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式: 項目招商機構(gòu):平陽縣濱海新區(qū)建設管理委員會 招商引資聯(lián)系人:包小雷 招商引資電話:13600681*** 招商引資傳真:0577-6373*** 招商引資郵箱:475988968**[ta]**com 招商引資地址:平陽縣濱海新區(qū)新陽路66


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameHealthcare and Endowment, Pingyang County, New Project of Binhai Hospital in Binhai New Area 2. Project AbstractThe burgeoning industrial park in Binhai New Area, Pingyang County was selected. At the entrance, there are Shenyang-Haikou expressway and Wenzhou ring expressway, for which the transportation and location conditions are excellent. The regulatory plan has been prepared; the construction of municipal arterial traffic has been initiated; the current parcel has satisfied the “three supplies and one leveling”, and been equipped with the development conditions. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe site area as planned shall be 9,816 square meters. This project shall encounter full-course concierge services and enjoy the preferential policies of the park. The burgeoning industrial park where this project is located is equipped with relatively mature development. It is in the burgeoning industrial park that Wenzhou Dolphin Bay Water Park with the largest scale and the most advanced amusement equipment in Zhejiang Province has been constructed and opened to the public, and Wanyang International Industrial City, the largest micro-garden in Zhejing has had the main work on some parcels sealed. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 60 million Yuan approximate*** 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship or joint venture 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisAs a supplementary medical service item in Binhai New Area, Binhai Hospital provides medical services for Binhai New Area and is available to cover surrounding counties and cities with beneficiary population near 200,000. It is expected that the internal ROI shall be 10% with ROI period as 8-10 years. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentConstruction Committee in Binhai New Area, Pingyang County ContactsBao Xiaolei Telephone1360068*** Fax0577-6373*** E-mail475988968**[ta]**com AddressNo. 66 Xinyang Road, Binhai New Area, Pingyang County


招商項目編號:30 一、招商項目簡介: 1招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:健康養(yǎng)老 蒼南縣 蒼南縣人民醫(yī)院新院二期 2、招商項目概況:選址蒼南縣新城區(qū)。蒼南縣是溫州人口大縣,常住人口130萬,流動人口180萬,心血管疾病、腫瘤等高發(fā)。蒼南縣2014年新增惡性腫瘤3324,發(fā)病率為278.33/10萬,男女各為302.21/10萬、252.13/10萬。發(fā)病率前5位的惡性腫瘤分別是胃癌、肺癌、乳腺癌、肝癌、腸癌,占所有惡性腫瘤病例數(shù)的56.80%。目前腫瘤綜合治療在本地區(qū)比較薄弱,市場潛力巨大。3招商項目規(guī)模、建設條件與招商引資優(yōu)勢:新院區(qū)占地220畝,總建設面積21.6萬平方米,設置床位1500張。新院分兩期實施,一期設置床位1000張,2017投入使用,二期設置床位500張,引進合作方設備、技術成立腫瘤綜合治療中心,建成浙南閩東北地區(qū)最具影響力的腫瘤綜合治療中心。4、投資項目概算:總投資1億美元。5、投資項目合作方式:合資、合作。6、需外方投資構(gòu)成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:蒼南目前無三級甲等綜合性醫(yī)院。本地區(qū)經(jīng)濟發(fā)展快,人民群眾收入水平高,對衛(wèi)生健康需求強烈,市場前景好。二、投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式: 項目招商機構(gòu):蒼南縣人民醫(yī)院 招商引資聯(lián)系人:莊載受 招商引資電話:0577-64767*** 招商引資傳真:0577-6476*** 招商引資郵箱:249518487**[ta]**com 招商引資地址:蒼南縣靈溪鎮(zhèn)玉蒼路195-234


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameHealthcare and Endowment, Cangnan County, Phase II of the Peoples Hospital of Cangnan County 2. Project AbstractThe site selection fell in the new urban district of Cangnan County. As a great population county in Wenzhou, Cangnan County has its permanent resident population as 1.3 million and floating population as 1.8 million, where cardiovascular disease, tumor and other diseases occur frequently. In 2014, Cangnan County witnessed the newly increased 3324 cases of malignant tumor with morbidity as 278.33100,000, among which the male is 302.21100,000 and female 252.13100,000. The top five malignant tumors ranked as per morbidity are stomach cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer and intestinal cancer, representing 56.80% of the total one. At present, the comprehensive treatment of tumors in local is relatively weaker, and the market potential is huge. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe new hospital occupies 220 mu with total covered area as 216,000 square meters and bed as 1500, which shall be constructed in two phases. The beds set at Phase I shall be 1000, and come into service in 2017, while the additional 500 beds shall be set at Phase II. The equipment and technology of partners shall be introduced to establish a comprehensive center of tumor therapy, the most influential one in northeast of Fujian and south of Zhejiang. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 100 million Yuan. 5. Ways of CooperationJoint venture or cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisAt present, there has no three-grade general hospital in Cangnan County, where the economic development is rapid, the income level of the masses higher, the demand for health & wellness stronger and the market prospect sound. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentPeoples Hospital of Cangnan County ContactsZhuang Zaishou Telephone0577-6476*** Fax0577-6476*** E-mail249518487**[ta]**com AddressNo. 195-234 Yucang Road, Lingxi Town, Cangnan County


招商項目編號:31 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:健康養(yǎng)老 蒼南縣 龍港新城養(yǎng)老中心 2招商項目概況:選址龍港新城中央商務區(qū)月湖西北側(cè),環(huán)境優(yōu)良,交通便利,周邊配套齊全。擬打造成集居住、醫(yī)療、康復、護理和文化休閑等復合功能為一體的優(yōu)質(zhì)養(yǎng)老服務基地。3、招商項目規(guī)模、建設條件與招商引資優(yōu)勢:規(guī)劃總用地120畝,為存量國有建設用地,可以辦理劃撥或出讓,總建筑面積30萬平方米。4、投資項目概算:總投資15億元。5、投資項目合作方式:獨資、合資、合作。6、需外方投資構(gòu)成:25%以上。7投資項目效益分析:養(yǎng)老中心建成并投入運營,10年可收回成本,可安置地方就業(yè)人員1000余人。二、投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式: 項目招商機構(gòu):蒼南縣龍港新城管委會 招商引資聯(lián)系人:吳艷 招商引資電話:0577-5992*** 招商引資傳真:0577-5995*** 招商引資郵箱:lgxczsk**[ta]**.com 招商引資地址:蒼南縣龍港鎮(zhèn)南城路131


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameHealthcare and Endowment, Cangnan County, Endowment Center at Longgang New Town 2. Project AbstractThe site selection fell in the northwest side of the Central Business District, Longgang New Town, where the environment is beautiful, transportation convenient and supporting facilities complete. As planned, a high-quality endowment service base integrating residence, medical treatment, rehabilitation, nursing and cultural leisure shall be created. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe total land in planning is 120 mu, which is available to go through transfer or selling as existing state-owned building land. The total covered area is 300,000 square meters. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 1.5 billion Yuan. 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisAfter the endowment center is completed and put into operation, it is available to recover cost within 10 years and arrange more than 1,000 local employees. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentManagement Committee, Longgang New City, Cangnan County ContactsWu Yan Telephone0577-5992*** Fax0577-5995*** E-maillgxczsk**[ta]**.com AddressNo. 131 Nancheng Road, Longgang Town, Cangnan County


招商項目編號:32 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:健康養(yǎng)老 文成縣 巨嶼沙洲養(yǎng)生養(yǎng)老項目 2、招商項目概況:選址文成縣巨嶼鎮(zhèn)。規(guī)劃南起花竹嶺,北至潘岙孔岙村邊緣,東臨飛云江,是牛山與孔山之間狹長的沙洲地帶,距離縣城18公里,溫州市區(qū)70公里,是構(gòu)建健康養(yǎng)老、休閑養(yǎng)生的理想之地。。3招商項目規(guī)模、建設條件與招商引資優(yōu)勢:擬用地724畝。已完成征地及政策處理,地塊已達“三通一平”,并具備開發(fā)條件。提供全程代辦服務,享有“一事一議”政策。項目計劃分多期實施,首期為公共設施和配套項目,二期為康復中心、老年人護理技能培訓中心、旅游式養(yǎng)老接待中心及其他配套的公共設施等。4、投資項目概算:總投資25億元。5投資項目合作方式:獨資、合資、合作。6、需外方投資構(gòu)成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:收益率15%,投資回收期率6-7年。二、投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式: 項目招商機構(gòu):文成縣巨嶼鎮(zhèn)人民政府 招商引資聯(lián)系人:林微微 招商引資電話:0577-67701*** 招商引資傳真:0577-6770*** 招商引資郵箱:251676157**[ta]**com 招商引資地址:巨嶼鎮(zhèn)云江東路1


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameHealthcare and Endowment, Wencheng County, Juyu Shazhou Wellness and Endowment Project 2. Project AbstractThe site selection fell in Juyu Town, Wencheng County. As planned, this project starts from Huazhuling in the south, ends with the border of Panao and Kongao village in the north, and is adjacent to Feiyun River in the east. As a long and narrow shoal between Niushan Mountain and Kongshan Mountain, the distance to county is 18 kilometers and 70 kilometers to Wenzhou downtown. It is an ideal place for healthcare, endowment, leisure and wellness. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe site area as planned is 724 mu. Currently, the land acquisition and policy processing has been completed, and the parcel, already completing the construction of three supplies and one leveling, is equipped with the development conditions. The full-course concierge service is provided, and the policy of “one discussion for one case” available. This project shall be implemented in two phases. Phase-I refers to communal facilities and supporting projects, while Phase-II covers rehabilitation center, training center of nursing skills for the aged, reception center of tourism endowment as well as other supporting communal facilities. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 2.5 billion Yuan. 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisThe ROI rate shall be 15% with ROI period as 6-7 years. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentPeoples Government at Juyu Town, Wencheng County ContactsLin Weiwei Telephone0577-6770*** Fax0577-6770*** E-mail251676157**[ta]**com AddressNo. 1 East Yunjiang Road, Juyu Town


招商項目編號:33 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:旅游經(jīng)濟 龍灣區(qū) 龍灣白水假日山莊 2招商項目概況:選址龍灣區(qū)永中街道鄭宅村。位于大羅山之首的鄭宅岙,名勝天柱寺風景區(qū)山腳下,距溫州國際機場9.5公里,330國道3公里,動車站30分鐘車程,交通十分便利。山莊已具備雛形,規(guī)劃建設多功能性的度假休閑山莊及周邊設施。3、招商項目規(guī)模、建設條件與招商引資優(yōu)勢:占地30畝,可建筑面積9000平方米,建設期3年。4、投資項目總額:8千萬元。5、投資項目合作方式:出租。6、需外方投資構(gòu)成:25%以上。二、投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式: 項目招商機構(gòu):溫州市龍灣區(qū)永中街道辦事處 招商引資聯(lián)系人:張韜 陳亮 招商引資電話:0577-8580*** 招商引資傳真:0577-8580*** 招商引資地址:溫州市龍灣區(qū)永中街道永強大道4318


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameTourism Economy, Longwan District, Longwan Baishui Holiday Ho*** 2. Project AbstractThe site selection fell in the Zhengzhai Village, Yongzhong Street, Longwan District. Located at Zhengzhai Ao (the top one of Daluo Mountain) and the foot of Tianzhu Temple, this project has its distance to Wenzhou International Airport as 9.5 kilometers and 330 National Road 5 kilometers, and bears a 30 minute ride into high-speed rail station, where the transportation is extremely convenient. Currently, the mountain villa has taken shape, and is dedicated to constructing a multifunctional mountain village resort and supporting facilities. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThis project has its floor space as 30 mu, covered area as 9,000 square meters and construction period as 3 years. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 80 million Yuan approximate*** 5. Ways of CooperationLeasing 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least . Project Contact Contact DepartmentYongzhong Sub-district Office, Longwan District, Wenzhou City ContactsZhang Tao, Chen Liang Telephone0577-8580*** Fax0577-8580*** AddressNo. 4318 Yongqiang Avenue, Yongzhong Street, Longwan District, Wenzhou City


招商項目編號:34 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:旅游經(jīng)濟 洞頭區(qū) 石子岙養(yǎng)生療養(yǎng)服務中心 2招商項目概況:選址海西湖北側(cè)霓嶼街道石子岙村。石子岙村有豐富的岸線資源和濱海旅游資源,擁有南山沙灘、小霓嶼島、寧海禪詩、楊陳二府侯王廟等特色旅游景點,而且東面臨海,西近溫州半島工程,靠山面海,是發(fā)展養(yǎng)生度假、濱海居住的理想場所。3、招商項目規(guī)模、建設條件與招商引資優(yōu)勢:規(guī)劃用地約110畝,主要建設養(yǎng)生會所、療養(yǎng)酒店、海景房、休閑度假等配套設施。目前已完成“三通一平”基礎設施建設。4投資項目概算:3億元以上。5投資項目合作方式:獨資或合資。6、需外方投資構(gòu)成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:預期利潤0.4億元,投資回收期8年。二、投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式: 項目招商機構(gòu):洞頭區(qū)發(fā)展和改革局(招商局) 招商引資聯(lián)系人:張益穩(wěn) 招商引資電話:0577-63485*** 招商引資傳真:0577-6348*** 招商引資郵箱:dtzsb**[ta]** 招商引資地址:洞頭區(qū)北岙街道鎮(zhèn)前街1


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameTourism Economy, Dongtou District, Shiziao Wellness and Recuperating Service Center 2. Project AbstractThe site selection fell in the Shiziao Village, Niyu Street to the north of Haixi Lake, where abundant shoreline resources, seaside tourism resources and those characteristic tourist attractions as sand beach of Nanshan Mountain, little Niyu Island, Ninghai Temple and Yang-Chen Hou Wang Temple are available. In addition, it faces the sea in the east, and is adjacent to Wenzhou Peninsula project in the west. The location leaning against the hill and facing the sea enables it to be an ideal place to develop health resort and seashore residence. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThis project, having its planning land as 110 mu approximately, is mainly engaged in the construction of those supporting facilities as health clubs, wellness hotels, sea view rooms and places for relaxing vacation. At present, the construction of the “three supplies and one leveling” infrastructure has been complet*** 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 300 million Yuan at least. 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship or joint venture 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisThe expected profits shall be 40 million Yuan with ROI period as 8 years. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentDongtou Development and Reform Bureau ContactsZhang Yiwen Telephone0577-6348*** Fax0577-6348*** E-maildtzsb**[ta]** AddressNo. 1 Zhenqian Street, Beiao Street, Dongtou District


招商項目編號:35 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:旅游經(jīng)濟 甌江口產(chǎn)業(yè)集聚區(qū) 東方時尚島度假酒店 2招商項目概況:選址甌江口核心區(qū)半島起步區(qū)C-04地塊,處于甌江口圍墾一期南部生活區(qū),周邊水系發(fā)達、環(huán)境優(yōu)美。依托濱海生態(tài)優(yōu)勢,規(guī)劃建設一家高品位、高質(zhì)量的五星級度假酒店。3招商項目規(guī)模、建設條件與招商引資優(yōu)勢:規(guī)劃占地60畝,設計容積率<3,綠地率≥30%,建筑密度≤30%。目前已完成“三通一平”基礎設施建設,土地指標已落實,具備出讓條件。項目所在地區(qū)位優(yōu)越,臨近海港、空港、國家級4A風景區(qū)洞頭和休閑漁業(yè)、觀光農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)達的靈昆,在建的甬臺溫高速復線和城市輕軌貫穿其中,非常適合發(fā)展休閑旅游產(chǎn)業(yè)。4、投資項目概算:總投資11-12億元。5、投資項目合作方式:獨資、合資、合作。6、需外方投資構(gòu)成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:預計投資回報率20%,投資回收期5年。二、投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式: 項目招商機構(gòu):溫州甌江口產(chǎn)業(yè)集聚區(qū)招商局 招商引資聯(lián)系人:金燕、戈劍峰 招商引資電話:0577-55875*** 招商引資傳真:0577-5587*** 招商引資郵箱:ojkzsj**[ta]**.com 招商引資地址:溫州甌江口產(chǎn)業(yè)集聚區(qū)便民服務中心4423室。


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameTourism Economy, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Oriental Fashion Island Holiday Hot*** 2. Project AbstractThe C-04 parcel in the Peninsula Starting Area, Oujiang Estuary shall be selected, which is located at the southern living quarters of Phase-I reclamation area of Oujiang Estuary, and characterized by developed surrounding water system and beautiful environment. A five-star resort hotel of high grade and high quality shall be constructed based on the coastal ecological advantag*** 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe floor space as planned is 60 mu with designated plot ratio less than 3, greening rate no more than 30% and building density within 30%. At present, the construction of the three supplies and one leveling” infrastructure has been completed, and the land index has been ensures, for which the conditions of transfer have been satisfied. The project location is equipped with excellent regional conditions, and adjacent to harbor, airport, Dongtou, a national 4A scenic area and Lingkun with developed recreational fishery and sightseeing agriculture. In addition, the complex line of Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Highway under construction and urban light rails run through the project location. Therefore, it is very suitable for the development of leisure and recreation industry. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 1.1-1.2 billion Yuan. 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisIt is expected that the ROI shall be 20% with ROI period as 5 years. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentWenzhou Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster ContactsJin Yan, Ge Jianfeng Telephone0577-5587*** Fax0577-5587*** E-mailojkzsj**[ta]**.com AddressRoom 423, Floor 4, Convenient Service Center, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster, Wenzhou


招商項目編號:36 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:旅游經(jīng)濟 樂清市 樂清新體育中心賓館 2、招商項目概況:選址樂清市中心區(qū)濱海新區(qū)B-a地塊,東至體育場路,南至旭陽路,西至東銀路,北至晨曦路,為樂清新體育中心的配套設施。樂清新體育中心規(guī)劃可承辦國家單項比賽和地區(qū)性綜合比賽,作為該區(qū)域的各項重大體育賽事活動的中心場所和全民健身場所,并且兼顧舉辦大型文藝演出、慶典和集會使用,同時還集展廳、商業(yè)、餐飲、娛樂等各種功能。3、招商項目規(guī)模、建設條件與招商引資優(yōu)勢:占地面積15畝,容積率2.0。有關程序已完備,場地已平整,待出讓。4投資項目概算:總投資2.2億元。5、投資項目合作方式:獨資。6、需外方投資構(gòu)成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:項目以樂清新體育中心為依托,建成后可三年內(nèi)見效益,回報率15%。二、投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式: 項目招商機構(gòu):樂清樂成中心區(qū)城區(qū)管委會 招商引資聯(lián)系人:陳忠林 招商引資電話:0577-6151*** 招商引資電話:0571-6151*** 招商引資傳真:0577-6122*** 招商引資地址:樂清市玉簫路150號中心公園內(nèi)


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameTourism Economy, Yueqing City, Hotel of Yueqing New Sports Cen*** 2. Project AbstractThe B-a parcel in Binghai New Area, Yueqing Downtown shall be selected, which borders Tiyuchang Road to the east, Xuyang Road to the south, Dongyin Road to the west and Chenxi Road to the north, and serves as the supporting facility of Yueqing New Sports Center. As planned, Yueqing New Sports Center can undertake individual competitions at national level or regional comprehensive contests. As the center place to hold various significant sport events and conduct national fitness in such region, Yueqing New Sports Center can convene large-scale artistic performance, celebration and assembly at the same time, and integrate those functions as exhibition hall, commerce, catering and entertainment. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe floor space is 15 mu with plot ratio as 2.0. As the relevant procedures have been performed and the ground has been flatted, it is waiting for selling. 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 220 million Yuan. 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisBased on the Yueqing New Sports Center, this project can witness benefits within 3 years upon completion and the ROI rate shall be 15%. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentManagement Committee at Yuecheng City Center, Yueqing ContactsChen Zhonglin Telephone0577-6151*** Telephone0577-6151*** Fax0577-6122*** AddressWithin the Central Park Located at No. 150 Yuxiao Road, Yueqing City


招商項目編號:37 一、招商項目簡介: 1、招商項目類型、招商項目地址、名稱:旅游經(jīng)濟 蒼南縣 馬站霧城旅游度假開發(fā) 2招商項目概況:選址蒼南縣“濱海玉蒼山”風景名勝區(qū)漁寮景區(qū)內(nèi)。距漁寮大沙灘約 1 公里,78省道及擬建的環(huán)海高速路直達景區(qū),交通便利。項目范圍內(nèi)擁有霧城大沙灘、龍?zhí)镀俨、海灣、海島等自然景觀和抗倭古城“壯士所城”、煙墩抗倭遺址、漁家風情等人文景觀,旅游資源十分豐富。3、招商項目規(guī)模、建設條件與招商引資優(yōu)勢:規(guī)劃用地2000畝,其中建設用地1000 畝。項目已經(jīng)編制詳細規(guī)劃,并已征用163畝的土地,完成土地政策處理。項目規(guī)劃功能為濱海旅游度假中心,分沙灘休閑度假區(qū)、古城影視民俗體驗區(qū)、濱海運動娛樂區(qū)和海島拓展游憩區(qū)。規(guī)劃建設內(nèi)容有:商務度假會所、主題酒店、古城影視旅游開發(fā)、休閑商業(yè)街、游艇俱樂部、海上垂釣中心、海島拓展主題公園、生態(tài)農(nóng)業(yè)觀光園;配套設施項目有:海濱浴場景觀建設、風情小鎮(zhèn)改造、濱海棧道與碼頭建設等。4、投資項目總額:23億元,可分期開發(fā)。5、投資項目合作方式:獨資、合資、合作。6、需外方投資構(gòu)成:25%以上。7、投資項目效益分析:可帶動周邊鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)1萬人從事旅游相關產(chǎn)業(yè),具有良好的經(jīng)濟及生態(tài)效益。二、投資機構(gòu)聯(lián)系方式: 項目招商機構(gòu):馬站鎮(zhèn)人民政府 招商引資聯(lián)系人:黃開念 招商引資電話:0577-6466*** 招商引資傳真:0577-6466*** 招商引資地址:蒼南馬站鎮(zhèn)朝陽路98


Project No*** . Project Description 1. Project Type, Address and NameTourism Economy, Cangnan County, Tourism Resort Development of Wucheng in Mazhan Town 2. Project AbstractThe site selection fell in the Yuliao Scenic Spot, Binhai Yucang Mountain, Cangnan County, about 1 kilometer to the Yuliao Big Bench. It is available to directly reach the scenic spot via 78 provincial road and sea girt expressway to be constructed, and the transportation is convenient. Within the scope of this project, there are various natural landscapes as Wucheng Big Beach, Longtan Waterfall, bays and islands as well as diversified human landscapes as anti-pirate ancient city, Yandun anti-pirate relics and fishermen. Therefore, this project is equipped with abundant tourism resources. 3. Construction Scale, Conditions and AdvantagesThe planning land is 2000 mu, among which the construction land is 1000 mu. Currently, this project has prepared a detailed planned, expropriate 163 mu of land, and complete the settlement of land policies. The planned function of this project is a coastal resort center composed of leisure resort areas on the beach, experience areas of film folklore in ancient cities, coastal sport recreation zones and extended recreation areas on islands. The construction content as planned shall include business resort areas, theme hotels, film-induced tourism development in ancient cities, leisure commercial streets, yacht clubs, fishing centers at sea, expanded theme parks on islands and eco-agricultural tourism gardens. The supporting facilities shall cover the landscape construction of bathing beach, transformation of style towns, and establishment of coastal plank roads and dock*** 4. Budgetary EstimateThe total investment shall be 2.3 billion Yuan, and it is available to carry out phased development. 5. Ways of CooperationSole proprietorship, joint venture and cooperation 6. Proportion of Foreign Investment25% at least 7. Benefit AnalysisThis project, equipped with sound economic and ecological benefits, can enable 10,000 people in neighboring towns to engage in tourism-related industries. . Project Contact Contact DepartmentPeoples Government at Mazhan Town ContactsHuang Kainian Telephone0577-6466*** Fax0577-6466*** AddressNo. 98 Chaoyang Road, Mazhan Town, Cangnan County


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